Eircom Junior Spider Awards

15/12/2011 09:38

We were so proud when we found out that our website was chosen as one of the top six in Ireland.

We were the only school from Ulster.

We left at 9:30am and arrived at the Helix after 11:00am. We set up our computer stand and our display. There was a problem getting onto the internet but the organisers soon sorted it out. We had to cut our poster in two because it wouldn't hang up properly. Lunch was provided and the sandwiches were lovely. Different schools came over and asked us questions. 

We learned a lot from looking at all the different displays and we have loads of ideas that we can't wait to use on our school's site in the New Year. Watch This Space! 

Thanks to Ms Farry who looks afer us when we're working on the school website and to Mr. McMahon who came with us to the Helix. 

Conor, Szymon, Dylan.